Tuesday, 26 March 2019


Cal -Ma -Chol

Improve milk yield in cattle -
Formation of strong bones in growing animals -
Nutritional deficiency -
  In Hypocalcaemia during pregnancy, before and after Parturition -
    Increase egg production , egg size ,egg count and egg production fertility -
  Enhance egg size and egg shells -

Each Liter Contain
Calcium Lactate..........  20.000 mg
Calcium Gluconate..... .16.000 mg
 Calcium Phosphate...... 61.000 mg
 Vitamin D3 ............... 8.000.000  I.U
 Vitamin B12...................... 6.000 mg
 Choline Chloride .......... 80.000 mg
Magensium Chloride.......9.000 mg

-:Administration & Dosage 
The following quantities
are sufficient when given in drinking water
as calcium supplement
Chicks : 1 ml / 1 Liter of drinking water
Layers : 2  ml / 1 Liter of drinking water
Small Animals : 10-20 ml for 3-5 days
Calf : 40 ml for 3-5 days
Large Animals : 100 ml for 3-5 days



No Bloat

Treatment of frothy bloat and tempany-
   in cattle , sheep and goat  
Activation of microflora-
 Laxative effect -

Each 1ml contain
Anise oil  ...................... 0.01 ml
Dimethicone .................. 25mg
Turpentine oil ................. 0.3 ml
Active carbon ............ 0.25 mg
Methanoic acid ......... 0.005mg
Xanthan gum ............ 0.003 mg

-:Administration & Dosage
   CATTEL: 100-500 ml ( NO-BLOAT ) animal
to be injected directly into
the rumen or be mixed with 1/2 liter of
vegetable oil or water as a drench or by
gastric tube
  Sheep & goats 15-25 ml ( NO-BLOAT ) animal
to be injected directly into
the rumen or be mixed with 1/2 liter of
vegetable oil or water as a drench




 as an aid in the treatment
 of ketosis and acetonemia
 in cattle and sheep

-:Each 1 liter contain 
Propylene glycol   ............  800 mL
Choline chloride   ............. 200 mg
Potassium Iodide  ............... 90 mg
Ethylendiamine    .............. 440 mg
Cobalt sulfate  ..................  440 mg
Sodium phosphate ............  40 mg
Calcium phosphate ....... 1400 mg
Magnesium phosphate ..... 20 mg
Iron phosphate ...............     20 mg
Acetic acid ......................    20 mL

-:Administration & Dosage

Administer orally in the drinking
 water, in the grain ration
 or as a drench
  Cattle: 175 - 225 mL daily
Begin 2 weeks prior to calving
for 6 weeks after calving
Sheep & goat: 50 - 100 mL daily
 For 4 weeks prior to lambing
 and continue until lambing
Cattle: 200 - 400 mL daily
Dependant upon severity
Administer for 10 days
Sheep & goat: 75- 125 mL daily
 dependant upon severity
 Administer for 10 days

Nil in meat and milk



Lecto Power

 Immune-stimulant to elevate the non specific-
 immune response against different pathogens  
 Act as anti viral in different viral infections (AI - ND - IB)-
Growth promoter for better flock performance -

-:Each 100 ml contain
Lectin Extract ........................ 20 mL
Wheat Grem Oil .................... 15 mL
Thymol Oil .............................. 20 mL
Star Anise Extract ................... 15 mL
Nigella Sativa Extract ............ 10 mL
Carvacrol Oil .......................... 10 mL
Echinacea Purperea Extract . 10 mL

-:Administration & Dosage
  100mL / 200 mL of drinking water 3-5 days 




 Treatment of clinical acute necrotic enteritis-
caused by clostridium perfingens & ulcerative  
enteritis caused by clostridium colinum  
Treatment of diarrhae caused by-
pathogenic enteric bacteria as E.coli, salmonella & campvlobacter  
 Provide healthier gut integrity for better food utilization & digestion-
- Prevention of sub-clinical clostridial infection-
 During treatment of coccidiosis-
Immune Stimulant  &  Antioxidant-
 Improve feed intake & energy production-

-:Composition in each 1 liter
Formic acid................... 430gm
Gluotamic acid .............. 10 gm
Bi sodium edeta ............ 20 gm
Citric acid...................... 25 gm
Mallic acid ...................... 5 gm
Acitic acid.................... 125 gm
Sorbic acid .................... 10 gm
Ammonium format .....250 gm
phosphoric acid ............ 20 gm
Mono di glycirid ............. 7 gm
Garlic extract ............. 100 gm
Copper Sulphat .............. 5 gm

-:Administration & Dosage
1ml / liter drinking water / 12 hours for 3-5 days


Co-Zuril 2%

Co- Zuril

Co-zuril : The best choice and strongest-
Anticocidial drug in all kinds of poultry, rabbits and lambs  
Co-zuril : High prevention and control efficacy-
against all types of high resistant emeria  
Co-zuril : Is indicated for treatment-
of coccidiosis caused by E-Tenella, E.Necatrix,  
E.Acervulino, E.Maxima, E.brunette, E.mivati, E.Mitis and in   
Turkeys caused y E.Adenides and E.Melegrimitis   

Diclazuril..... 2%
Vit k3.......... 2%

-:Administration & Dosage
 0.5ml / liter drinking water for 3-4 days
1ml / liter drinking water 8-12 hours for 3-4 days


Monday, 25 March 2019



Acute nephritis-
Sever viral infection as IBD or IB & mycotoxins (ochratoxins)-
Kidney hypertrophy following antibiotics & sulfa treatment-
Nutritional imbalance-
Gout & Uremia-
Keep water minerals balance in heat stasis-
Activate vitamin D absorption-

Each 1kg contain 
Sodium citrate .................205 gm
Potassium citrate .............205 gm
Magnesium sulphate ......215 gm
Sodium sulphate ..............215 gm
Sorbitol ............................... 45 gm
Vitamin C ........................... 10 gm
Biotine .................................  1 gm
Vitamin E ......................... 200 mg
Selenium .............................. 9 mg
Cupper ........................... 100  mg
Manganese ...................... 64 mg
Excepient up to .....................1kg

-:Administration & Dosage
0.5gm / liter of drinking water


Mastrel Gel


MASTREL Veterinary Gel is awarm-
soothing treatment for chronic mastitis  
 in cattle temporary muscular soreness   
 caused by  over Excertion, minor injuries,  
or arthritis This spearmint-scented gel   
contains natural botanical extracts that   
help reduce swelling and natural recovery    
MASTREL Veterinary Gel is a novel formula- 
 to treat chronic mastitis topically     
MASTREL Veterinary Gel is convenient Gel form -
for easy application     
-:Wlthderawal Times
Edible Tissue ................... 3days
Milk ................................. 3 days
to be rubbed on the affected area once daily

Each 100 gm Gel contain
Comphor ......................... 5g
Methyl salicylate.............. 5g
Mentol ............................. 2g
Eucalyptus ...................... 5g

-:Administration & Dosage 
 0.5mL / liter water.




 Powerful antioxidant with synergistic -
action of vitamin E + Selenium   
 Enhance the immune system to increase the- 
production of antibodies (Advise to use during and after vaccination)   
improve fertility, hatchability & egg shell-
Growth promoter-
 Improve egg production-
Improve fertility of lambs and calves-
 Bring female animal to heat-
Prevent muscle weakness & fatigue-

Each 1000 mL Contain
Vitamin E .............  20,000,000 iU
Sudium selenate......  10,000 mg
Iron ................................ 15.3 mg
Zinc................................ 16.8 mg
Monoproplene glycol... 100 mg

-:Administration & Dosage
 0.5mL / liter water

 1Liter , 500 mL , 250 mL

Saturday, 23 March 2019


Beta Silk


Each 1000 mL Contain
Carboxy peptidase A....8000.000 IU
Saccharomyces   cell well......200gm
                                                                                                    (beta glucan  -  mannan oligosaccharide)                                                                             
Asperigllus oryzae...................10 gm
Lacto bacillas acidophilues......2.5gm
Lacto bacillus planterum.............2gm
silymarin extract........................25gm
Cynara extract...........................25gm
Curcumin extract.......................35gm
Boldo extract.............................35gm
Spirulina platensis.....................50gm
Vitamin b2...............................3.5 gm


                                                                                                     CPA1.competive inhibor of ochratoxin-                                                                                                         
                                                                                                        (manna oligosachride+beta glucan)                                       
                                                                                                             Act as probiotic and toxic  binder -                                       
                                                                                  Prevent the toxic  effet of nonpolar mycotoxins by -      
                                                                                                                           Aggulutination process                                                                                           
                                                                                                                         Bio transformation process-                                                                               
                                                                                                                          Avoid myctoxicosis stress-                                                                                      
                                                                                                                             Overcome myctoxicosis-                                                                                
Restore and enhancement of liver and kidney functions - 
                                                                                                                                    Hepatorenal tonics-    

 0.5ml/ liter water 
for 12 houre daily
for 3-5 days  

Monday, 4 March 2019

All In One

All In One

  Soluble Powder multi-elements-
  complex of vitamins, minerals, electrolytes,  
  amino acids and probiotics   
- Activate growth and production of animal during-
  all stages of life   
After periods of stress-
  Unbalanced and  deficient feeding-
 combined with the etiologic treatment  
 and vaccination to accelerate recovery  
 and improve response of animal  

Each 1 kg Contain
Vit. A ..................... 15.000.000 IU
Vit. D3 .................... 5.000.000 IU
Vit. E ................................ 500 mg
Vit. K3 .......................... 4.350 mg
Vit. B2 .......................... 4.350 mg
Vit. B3 ........................... 1000 mg
Vit. B6 .......................... 2.350 mg
Vit. B12 ............................ 12 mg
Biotin.................................15 mg
Folic acid..........................100mg
Vit. C ........................... 1000 mg
Nicotinic Acid..................... 17 g
Pantothenic Acid................... 6 g
L- Lysine ............................ 15 g
Choline chloride............ 200 mg
DL-Methionine .................. 10 g
Sodium  chloride ............... 50 g
Potassium chloride............. 90 g
Sodium sulphate................212 g
Copper sulphate................. 12 g
Magnesium sulphate ..........12 g
Potassium lodide ......... 100 mg
Zinc sulphate..................... 12 g
Manganese sulphate...........12 g
Lactobacillus ......... 1 Billion CFU/g
Lactose Q.s up to 1 kg

 -:Target species
 Cattle, sheep, goat, horses, poultry and rabbits

-:Administration & Dosage
 1g / 1 litre water
 1g / 10 kg of BW
  through oral route in drinking water or food


Res Pi Reth



Effective treatment to minimize the symptoms assciated-
with viral and bacterial infection that affecting the respiratory system  
Decrease the post vaccinal reaction with the live vaccines (ND - IB)-
 Enhance the response of immune system toward different pathogens-
Improve the appetite, general performance and body weights-

Each 1000 ml Contain
Mentol Extract  .... 125 ml
Piperment Oil..........75 ml
Thymol Oil...............50 ml
Carvacrol.................30 ml
Citric Acid................20 ml
Sorbitol....................20 ml
Fat Solvents Up To 1 Liter

-:Administration & Dosage
 100ml / 200 liter of drinking water
for 3-5 days


Shikimic Compound


 An aqueous concentrate that contains mixture-
of concentrate natural extracts
that clinically believed to be Immuno-stimulator
in case of bacterial and viral infection

Each 100 mL contain
PANAX GINSENG EXTRACT.................................. 10%
ROYAL JELLY ........................................................... 5%
WHEAT GREM EXTRACT ....................................... 10%
NIGELLA SATIVA EXTRACT ................................. 20%
ECHINACEA PURPUREA EXTRACT ..................... 20%
THYMUS VULGARIS EXTRACT ............................ 5%
TURMERIC (C.DOMESTICA) EXTRACT ............... 10%

Immuno-stimulant to elevate the non specific immune response, disease-
Act as antibacterial & antiviral with different pathways-
Improve liver functions and nutrients digestibility-
 Improve general performance, feed conversion and general body weights-

-:Administration & Dosage
Dilute the concentrated solution of Shikimic 
Compound by 5 liters of pure water then, use the freshly
prepared diluted solution at the level of 1 ml / 1 liter drinking water
