Treatment and prevention of dehydration-
conditions,electrolytic unbalance
and lack of energy caused by excessive loss
due to diarrhea, sweating, illness
high temperature, excessive breathing and urine-
As supportive in Convalescence,
post-vaccination, beak trimming, polutry-
reception, transport and heat stress
-:Each 1 Liter contains
Phosphoric acid ............. 80 gm
Magnesium chloride ....... 9 gm
Calcium Chloride .......... 20 gm
Zinc chloride................... 25 gm
Iron sulphate................... 10 gm
Cobalt chloride ............. 40 mg
Sodium chloride............. 22 gm
Manganese sulphate..... 25 gm
Copper chloride ............ 16 gm
Potassium chloride......... 10 gm
Sodium Selenite ........... 100 mg
Sorbitol............................. 10 gm
Methionine...................... 10 gm
Lysine ................................... 5m
Monopropylene glycol up to 1 Liter
-:Administration & Dosage
Poultry: 1 mL / litre of water-
Lactating calves and foals -
0.5mL / 1kg body weight
(at a rate of 30-40 mL / litre of water
Lamb and kids: 10 - 15 mL / litre of water-
Cattle and horses: 40 mL / litre of water-